Deed Grabber Reviews

Submitted by: Marvinsl Essau

Deed Grabber Honest Review.

Are you starry eyed over dawson’s new deed grabber program? Um, you better give that some more thought, mate. You’d better ready this article first. Yes the program works, but not without limits. Hold on. You’ll get the down and dirty. And at the end of the blog you’ll be able to get over to the real deal. The main issue is the deed grabber will not work in every state of the union. Deed trust states are the only places where the laws allow the loop hole. In deed trust states ownership is separated from debt. A deed holder is the owner as far as the law is concerned. Buy the deed, become the owner. But don’t get too happy. The mortgage isn’t against you, but it is still against the home. More importantly, the ownership has certain rights. Main among these rights is the reight of redemption at a foreclosure sale. That means that you can buy the property – as the deed holder – for the amount the mortgage company or county (in the case of of a tax sale foreclosure) is owed. If there is equity – value in excess of the debt – there are three main ways to capitalize on that equity. The obvious main choice here would be to pay it off and then just flip it – sell it for profit. Option two is to resell the deed at the foreclosure sale to a bidder at the sale. They can then redeem the property and you can sell the deed for a serious hit and save the bidder money too. This way you are paid out fast and the bidder saves money. Win-win. There is work involved, of course. You have to know which mortgage is foreclosing, if its not a tax sale. And you have to know what’s owed and what the property is worth at auction to know you’ll get paid. Thre is a much better way to make money from foreclosure overage. But first you have to know where excess funds from a foreclosure auction end up. You probably think the mortgage company or tax department just gets to keep it, right? Nope. Generally, the overage is given over to the court or the sheriff’s department. The court or sheriff is then supposed to notifiy anyone who might qualify as the rightful owner of the overage. The system is, however, really flawed. First up are mortgage holders or equity loan holders other than the mortgage that foreclosed on the property. These guys are usually the first ones in line for the money. The current second mortgage holder never receives the notification. Why? Most are no longer in business and the debt has been taken over by another company. They don’t know what’s going on.


Judgment and lien holders are also given notice of the surplus funds. Judgment holders just plain don’t show or never hear about it. Last in line is the ex-owner. They’re given notice at the address on file. The last address is the foreclosed property address. Not much of a chance that will work. What odds would you give that those folks’ mail is being forwarded. And if they actually receive a letter from the court house, the chance of them opening it is pretty slim, I’m sure you would agree. After having the money for a couple of years – and keeping the interest earned on it – the county escheats the funds to the State treasurer. There is stays, earning more interest for the state, usually forever. Did you know that there is a method that allows you to claim that money without falling under finder laws? This is the absolute best way to take advantage of equity from foreclosure auctions. With our course, you’ll learn how to identify the overages and figure out who to make a deal with for the cash being held. Now, you can refer the file and owner info over to us. You never have to contact the owner. We’ll do the deal for you and pay you a killer referral immediately. You don’t have to wait for the money. And we pay 10% of the gross surplus funds we get. We’re talking a couple of grand per deal and its easy for you to send in 3 to 5 a week that we can make a deal on. That’s why we can not recommend deed grabber. This is way better. Ready for a big change for big money? Click here – deed grabber

“I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems.” — British singer Elton John.

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