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By J. Amos
When you are in the market for the best ab machines for your workouts, it can be tough to figure out exactly which abdominal exercise equipment will do the job. Each manufacturer claims theirs is the best, so how are you to know the real truth?
Target all of Your Abdominal Muscles
The most important thing to consider when selecting exercise equipment for strengthening your abdomen, is that the best machines target all of your abdominal and oblique muscles. It is not enough for a machine to work just one or two sections, it must help you reach all areas if it is to be effective. Many of the inexpensive machines and devices that you see on TV infomercials only work part of the abdominal region, so do some more research before you call that toll free number.
How it Feels
Whatever ab machine you purchase must feel comfortable, or it will end up gathering dust in a corner somewhere. The best option is to visit a fitness equipment retailer and try several different machines to determine which is best suited to your needs. Remember that the best abdominal exercise machines are adjustable to fit different body shapes and sizes, which is especially important if more than one person in your family will be using the equipment.
Give Your Back a Break
Most personal trainers will tell you that the biggest challenge when working your abs is to do so in a way that protects your back. It does you no good to buy an abdominal exercise machine that causes you back pain, so this is another reason why you should try out several of the better ab machines before selecting equipment to buy.
More Expensive is not Always More Effective
Abdominal equipment is available in a wide range of prices, and while price is generally an indicator of quality it is not always the best indicator of which exercise machine is most effective. There are several machines available for less than $100 that provide an effective abdominal workout when used correctly, and even a few that are less than $50.
Expert Advice and Guidance
One of the best ways to select an ab workout machine is to get some expert advice and guidance. There are a number of ways to do this, such as:
–Internet research – There are literally thousands of web sites that promote and sell abdominal exercise machines, so be selective about the research you do. Look for sites that are run by reputable fitness magazines or equipment centers, and check out their ab reviews and recommendations.
–Fitness retailer – A retailer that focuses solely on fitness equipment and exercise machines can offer you good advice on the best ab training equipment for you to consider, and will let you try out the machines as well.
–Certified personal trainer – If you are new to abdominal workouts, have back troubles, or just want some expert advice, it is worth your while to consult a certified personal trainer. Check with a reputable health club to find certified trainers in your area.
About the Author: Julie-Ann Amos is a freelance writer for
, providing consumer information and reviews on the best home gyms and cardio equipment. She has researched several consumer reports to find the best ab machines and best dumbbell weights for your workouts.
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